Innovating with Canvas

In the spirit of the 12 Days of Innovation Summit, I was reminded, how innovation is occurring in our own district. On Friday, Nov. 30th, a group of BISD teachers attended the North Texas Canvas User Group Canvas Mini-Conference at our Region XI service center. The event was created for teachers, by teachers who are innovating by using the Canvas LMS to deliver class instruction and curriculum.
The day started with the University of Texas Arlington’s College of Education Executive Director, Brian Brown. UTA staff was in attendance to learn how public schools are implementing Canvas in K-12 because the university recognizes the value a learning management system brings to education and will be switching to the Canvas LMS at the end of this school year.

The conference was filled with in-depth examples of how other teachers in Region XI schools are creating and implementing with Canvas on a daily basis. Session topics included: To Canvas from Google Classroom, Annotating Math in Canvas, Canvas in the Elementary Classroom, Canvas Student ePortfolios, Using Canvas to Differentiate, Tracking Outcomes/SLOs in Canvas, Using Docs in Canvas, Canvas Quizzes, and Test Banks and so much more. Our own BISD teachers Matt Pittner and Ronnie Tarver were also presenters.

If you are interested in learning more about Canvas and helping students make the transition from K-12 to higher education, contact your Digital Learning Specialist or consider attending the next Region XI Canvas Conference. Thank you to the following teachers for attending.

Karen Kallas
Matt Pittner
Jacob Hildabrand
Yolana Miller
William Franz
Kindra Santamaria
Ronnie Tarver
Jessica Nungesser
Heather Levingston
