Watauga First Graders Use Screencastify

Students in Laura Bean's first grade class at Watauga have been working hard for weeks on the Scranimals project. Theyread the book Scranimals by Jack Prelutsky. He takes two objects (a mango and gorilla for example) and create a new creature (mangorilla) that lives on Scranimal Island. Then the 1st graders created their own scranimal, independently added pictures and text to a powerpoint and read their writing using Screencastify to create a digital version of Ms. Bean's Class Scranimals!


  1. So creative!
    Absolutely precious!

  2. Screencastify as used by 1st graders here would be perfect in science, when teaching inherited traits or adaptations. Really the possibilities are endless across all content. Love it! (America Rainey, JCBinion 4th grade)

  3. This could be a valuable tool for any grade level classroom

  4. What an effective tool for students to apply their learning and creativity!


  5. Very cute! A great way to get kids thinking creatively and take charge of their own learning!


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