Lego Story Kits + My Storybook App = Watauga 1st Grade Published Writing!

Students in Laura Bean's 1st grade class at Watauga Elementary have been learning a lot about the writing process.  Using the "Treasure In My Hand" graphic organizer and Lego Storykits, students worked in pairs to write a story.  You could tell students have been learning about transition words, as they were using them in their writing.  Students took photos of each part of the story using their classroom iPads.  Then, they were able to use the My Storybook App (available FREE in the BISD App Catalog) to publish their stories!

Using Lego Storykits & Treasure in My Hand Writing Organizer

Treasure in My Hand

Lego Storykit

Taking Photos of Each Part of the Story with the iPad Camera

Storykits Inspire Writing

Publishing with My Storybook App

Publishing with My Storybook App

Publishing with My Storybook App

Students Watching the Published Stories

Check out these published stories!
