Creating via Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark is a free digital art resource in which users over the age of 13 can create web stories, videos, and graphics using their BISD Google account. Stories and creations can be shared with others. Adobe Spark is accessible from any device. Adobe Spark is really a collection of three creation tools. You can access all three on a web browser or download the iPad apps individually. Spark Video allows users to create a video by narrating a series of slides. Each slide can include text, images, or icons to get their message across. Spark Page is an app in which users create a web page, and Spark Post is a tool for designing images. A great features of Adobe Spark is how it cites images used from Creative Commons searches from within the platform.

Adobe Spark in Action:  High school students use Adobe Spark to create a public service announcement and share with other students in their school.

Digital Learning Platform: Students use Adobe Spark to create an authentic task or product and can easily share products with others to receive peer feedback. 
