The Value of Search via Digital Learning Lounge

BISD's Digital Learning Lounge, ( is a collaborative resource populated by Birdville's digital learning community. The Digital Learning Lounge provides a platform in which users can SEARCH keywords to locate latest announcements, best exemplars of digital learning (In The Spotlight) resources, technology tips (TechTips), podcast (Listen & Learn), and access social media platforms to include Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Users can subscribe to the Digital Learning Lounge by filling out the Subscribe By Email box. In addition, educators can submit content to the Digital Learning Lounge. 

Contribute to the Digital Learning Lounge via Spotlight

We are always looking for new ideas and encourage you to join in contributing to our community. This can easily be done from a smart phone right in a classroom, so remember to take the time to share digital learning successes with your BISD colleagues through the Digital Learning Lounge. How can you spotlight yourself or someone on your campus?

  1. Start a new email message.
  2. Type in the "To" line.
  3. Type the Title of your blog post in the "Subject" line of your email.
  4. Type what you want to spotlight/share - which will become your actual blog post text - in the body of the email. Note: everything in your email will become part of your post so you may want to edit/delete extra information from your email signature.
  5. Attach the images you want to include in your post to your email message.

Digital Learning Lounge in Action:  Jenna Henderson, an elementary teacher located at Watauga Elementary, contributed to the Digital Learning Lounge on how she is using Google Forms Quiz Feature to provide immediate feedback. Jenna worked with her campus's digital learning specialist to learn how to implement the feature. Student motivation and accountability improved as a result of implementing this program. 

Digital Learning Platform: The Digital Learning Lounge provides a best structure to share best practices, exemplars, and resources as a community. 
