Welcome Back - News from the BISD Technology Department

We hope everyone had a restful summer break and that you are ready for an awesome school year!  The Technology Department wants to make you aware of some exciting changes that will be happening!

Each teacher will need to set-up the technology in their classroom. We have provided Classroom Tech Set-up Resources to guide you in this process.  Please click for the Welcome Back Technology Checklist.

Skyward logins are now the same username and password as your computer. Click this link
to access a Quick Start Guide to Skyward.
K-5:  Each school year, student computer passwords (Kinder-5th) will be reset to Bisd1234.  
At the first login to a computer, students will be prompted to create a new password for the year.
This password will need to be created before accessing district resources. The new password
must have at least 8 characters, with one capital letter, one lowercase letter, and one number.  
6 - 12:  6th-12th grade students will continue use their password from the previous school year.
If 6th-12th grade students need to reset their password, they will fill out the 6-12th Grade Student Computer Password Change Form. (http://tinyurl.com/bisdpw1718)
New students:
Passwords for new K-5 students will be Bisd1234
Passwords for new 6-12 students will be b(birthday)$  For example, a student born on Jan 1, 2008
would have a password of b01012008$
Please click here for more information about student usernames and passwords.

The old “BISD-Secure” wireless network is being decommissioned. We will now be utilizing the newer “BISD 5G” and “BISD” networks. Windows computers should automatically be updated to point to the newer networks. On mobile devices such as cellular phones and iPads, you will need to manually add either the “BISD 5G” or “BISD” network, choose BISD 5G first, if it is available (it’s the fastest!). If you need help connecting to the new networks or just need more information about the change, take a look at our Knowledge Base article WiFi BISD5G.


The new single sign-on portal is COMING SOON! Our new single sign-on portal will be
accessible at my.birdvilleschools.net. This portal will allow you to sign in once and access many online resources without having to login to those individual applications - less passwords to remember! We will have several programs in the portal available for use in the next few weeks,
with even more being added throughout the year.

BISD Technology Department strives to support all staff in the efficient and effective use of technology.  Please visit the BISD Technology Knowledge Base to access helpful information  
and how-to instructions for support, setup, and the use of technology.  If you are unable to find a solution in the knowledge base, please submit a helpdesk ticket.
Helpful hint: Bookmark this link on your Chrome Browser Bookmarks Bar!


  1. I am a new hire at WT Francisco and DE Smith as the librarian. I am really hoping to get some training and using Skyward as I have a feeling I'm going to be using this a lot. Mr. George Canning

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