Student Self-Guided Library Orientation Tour

Lori Caruthers, Haltom High School Librarian, has decided to make her annual library orientation more engaging for the students.  "I want the students to have an opportunity to spend as much time learning about sections of the library as possible," said Mrs. Caruthers. She wanted to create something similar to what you would experience in a museum.  Working with her digital learning specialist, Michael Hanson, they decided that a self-guided tour, similar to the type you would experience in a museum, would be a great solution. Mrs. Caruthers recorded herself explaining each section of the library as a separate audio file and added them to her district Schoolwires page. Students access the files by scanning QR codes with a library iPad or a personal smartphone device. Gloria K., Haltom High School Freshman, said this about the tour, "I like the way this was done much more than if she had shown us a presentation as a group. I felt I learned more and replaying the audio gave me control of the learning."


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