4th Grade Teacher Posting Videos for Tutorials/Homework Help

At West Birdville, 4th grade teacher Mark McAlister knew his students would benefit from a little extra help with their homework.  He began utilizing the camera app on his iPhone to record himself working through concepts and problems the kids were exposed to earlier in the day or week.  Videos were uploaded to his YouTube channel and then links posted to Class Dojo for kids to access at night or any other time they may need to see the content again.  Over time McAlister noticed the videos were being accessed a little but not as much as he would like.  He thought he may need to post the content in another location for his kids to access.  He settled on making a Math and Homework Help page on his teacher website.  On this page he is embedding his videos for his Math concepts as well as any other homework help videos.  He will be watching over the next several weeks to see if students visit his website more than Class Dojo.

McAlister has done a great job utilizing the available digital tools and resources to provide the extra tutorial help his students need.  In the future, he will be using his document camera to record tutorials for posting on his website.  If you are interested in doing what Mark has done, please contact your campus DLS.  We would love to discuss the tools mentioned in this posting and help start you on the road to posting your own video content.
