Annotating Videos with VideoAnt
VideoAnt is an awesome website where you or your students can annotate youtube videos!
Check out their introduction video here:
I went through and annotated the first episode of Good at Stuff and Things and screenshot the process. Check it out below!
Part 1: The video is loaded into VideoAnt simply by using the Youtube URL. Options and instructions are posted on the right hand side.
Part 2: I created the first annotation. The list of annotations continues to grow on the right-hand side as well as a marker on the playbar of the video. Clicking on the specific annotations can take you to that specific location in the video. You can see an annotation in action in the GIF below!
Part 3: My Home Screen showing My Ants. You can see the video that I have annotated, I can create a New Ant as well. I can also accessed Ants that are shared with me.
Part 4: I can share my Ants with others. I can give them view access as well as annotation access which will allow them to add their own thoughts to the video. I could see this being a great teamwork exercise with smaller groups of students!
Final Thoughts:
VideoAnt could be a great tool to help students practice the art and skill of annotating. This could be an excellent opportunity for students to both experience and practice annotating the correct way.
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