West Birdville Elementary Staff "Breaks Out"
West Birdville Staff Breaking Out!
Last week the staff at West Birdville participated in a Breakout activity. A grant awarded to the librarian provided funds for six Breakout EDU boxes and six one year subscriptions to the Breakout EDU online platform. The breakout, the first one done with these boxes, was centered around West Birdville's Portrait of a West Birdville Educator. This document highlights the characteristics displayed by teachers at West. Teachers worked with their grade level to think critically to solve puzzles that helped open both physical and digital locks. All teams broke out within 20 minutes!
Not only did teams have a chance to collaborate, but they were exposed to the excitement and learning opportunities of doing a breakout activity. For more on Breakout EDU, talk to your campus DLS and/or visit the Breakout EDU website.
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