VIVE Pro headsetThe Birdville Center of Technology and Advanced Learning is always looking for new ways to engage our high school students. Soon students will get to experience their program specialization through the campus' new virtual learning lab. Principal Carol Adcock has re-created the Forum space to allow for this immersive experience.

With the use of a VIVE Pro unit and educational content from VIVEPORT students will be able to conduct experiments inside science laboratories, study animals and their habitats, work the flight deck of the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier, travel through the bloodstream of a human body, simulate vehicle maintenance and repair, fly a plane or drone,  practice law enforcement scenarios, design small spaces for living, learn fire control safety, and even meditate.
The Body VR simulation
USS Eisenhower VR
Automobile repair simulation

VRTEX Transport welding simulator
The virtual lab isn't the first VR experience at the BCTAL. Currently, students enrolled in Construction Technology are able to practice welding with two Lincoln Virtual Welding Simulators. Virtual Reality isn't just for gameplay anymore. It's a real tool that can be harnessed to engage students, take them to remote locations and allow them to hone their skills in safe environments.

There are many different kinds of VR in our district. If you would like to know more about incorporating VR in your classroom read this TCEA Tech Notes blog post or contact your campus Digital Learning Specialist. 
