Collaboration via Google Docs

Google Docs is a GAFE (Google Apps for Education) word processing application that lets users create and collaborate via documents stored in the cloud. BISD employees and students in grades 3-12th grade can access Google Docs using their BISD Google login. Users can share documents with other people and choose permission level in which other users can view, edit, or comment on a Google Doc from any device. Teachers and students utilize Google Docs to brainstorm, improve collaborative workflow, peer review, research, and publish content

Google Docs in Action:  NRMS Middle School teachers are using Google Docs during creative writing activities. Students are able to share creative writing artifacts with other students for peer review. Students receive feedback prior to submitting the final product to their teacher in Google Classroom. 

Digital Learning Platform: Google Docs provides an interactive structure to facilitate authentic tasks and products. Docs can also be utilized as a best structure to improve feedback.  

